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Top 3 Fish To Include In Your Diet

Most nutritionists encourage people to eat fish at least twice per week because they are a healthy source of protein and low in calories. Also, fish is one of the few natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

While health experts encourage including fish in your diet, not all fish are good for you. Some varieties are high in mercury and fishing others creates an adverse environmental impact. Also, consuming specific species can perpetuate poor living conditions, environmental abuse and ocean pollution.

As you consider which fish to include in your diet, consider options with the least environmental impact and the most nutritional punch. Only a few varieties of fish meet these demands.

1. Wild-Caught Salmon

Wild-caught salmon, including canned options, are low in mercury, lead and other contaminants. Alaskan wild-caught salmon contains over 1,500 mg of omega-3s per serving. Also, Alaskan fisheries are more sustainable than most in the world.

Beyond a healthy dose of omega-3s, wild-caught salmon also contains 18% of your daily calcium needs in a three-ounce serving. The amount of calcium in a single serving makes salmon one of the best non-dairy sources of calcium.

Finally, on average, wild-caught salmon is 182 calories per serving, with 25 g of protein. Farmed salmon has more calories and less protein, adding another reason to avoid it.

2. Atlantic Mackerel

Atlantic mackerel is a strong-flavored fish, making it an acquired taste for some. However, if you enjoy the flavor, you are in for an omega-3 powerhouse of a dish. Also, Atlantic mackerel provides 20 g of protein in a three-ounce serving.

Another benefit of this fish is its ability to grow fast. Atlantic mackerel are among the fastest-growing fish, meaning it repopulates easily, permitting higher volume and more sustainable fishing.

3. Herring

Herring contains 20 g of protein per serving and is only 173 calories. The fish also has more omega-3s than mackerel. Also, herring is an excellent source of other nutrients, like selenium and vitamin D.

Including fish in your diet is highly recommended. Some fish are better than others, and the above three are the best likely choices.


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